The future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Pesticides - Why do we use them?
The slideshows from I&D Day 2024

Click on the links below to read these fascinating documents from our 2024 I&D Day presentations.  

2024-03-12 What's our future with AI_ - Women's Institute STEM day.pdf
Pesticides - why do we use them, what are the risks and alternatives_SM COOK and LM FIELD_RRes_2024_WI.pdf

I& D Day - Information about some of our esteemed speakers:

Dr Jeni Tennison

Dr Tennison talked about how Artificial Intelligence is affecting and will affect all our lives in the future and how women will be most adversely affected. There will be many ways in which AI can make improvements but she emphasised the need to be wary of its use in scams including deception by voice mimicry, to obtain personal information.

Dr Jamie Cragg FLS

Dr Cragg is Aquarium Curator and Living Collections Manager at the Horniman Museum.  He told us about his work to restore and regrow reef- building corals damaged by bleaching, overfishing and the rise in ocean temperatures. He said he feared that some reef systems have been irretrievably damaged.

Dr Sam Cook

Dr Cook gave an illustrated talk on research into the use of pesticides on farmed crops and the development of alternatives that are less harmful to wildlife and the environment whilst helping to increase crop yields to feed a growing world population.

Prof Steve Burnage

CEng CEnv FSOE FIMechE  - Professor Burnage spoke about the use of hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels in domestic heating, transport and across the industry.

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Your Science Reps' Report Jan 2024

Clinical trials have demonstrated that a new cancer vaccine, developed by a French biotechnology company, could potentially increase survival rates for certain lung cancers by nearly fifty percent.

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Why do we use them?  What are the risks?  What are the alternatives?  Click the link below to view the presentation from the 2024 I&D Day.

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